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St Peter's Primary School


To motivate, to inspire and to expect all children to achieve more than they have achieved before. Never to put a ceiling upon what we expect children to attain, but to help them strive to improve on their previous best - everyone can be excellent at something.

To provide a safe, secure and stimulating environment in which all children can succeed and be respected for whom they are. Individual and group efforts  are valued and praised - you don't always have to be best, you just have to try your best.

To encourage care, consideration and respect for all members of the school community and the school grounds, building and environment –- just like at home with the family.

To encourage children to take responsibility for themselves, their own actions and behaviour - to be self-disciplined, self-confident and to think of others.

To celebrate the richness and diversity of our school community and the world in which we live. To value the fact that we are part of a multi-ethnic, multi-faith, multi-lingual community – to respect differences as well as similarities.

To help children acquire knowledge and skills relevant to life in a fast changing world - to leave our school better prepared for life in secondary school and adulthood.

To develop a co-operative working partnership between all staff, parents and governors - we are all working together for the benefit of our children.

"Everyone counts"