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St Peter's Primary School

Our Staff

Below is a list of our teaching staff and their classes.

Senior Leadership Team

Mrs Caroline Barriball (Co-Headteacher)
Mrs Samantha Sandle (Co-Headteacher)

Mr Darren Sonnar (Assistant Headteacher)

Ms Shital Amin (SENDCo)

Class Teachers

Mrs Jennifer Scott /Mrs Jo Sone (Reception - Wimbledon)
Mrs Laura Martin/ Mrs Nichola Mander (Reception - Paddington)
Ms Helen Adams and Mrs Debbie Pullen (1AP)
Mrs Hayley Corbishley /Mrs Verity McLagan (1CM)
Mr Joseph Jagger (2J)
Mrs Rebecca McDonald and Mr Sonnar (2MA) (Mrs Ascott will replace Mr Sonnar when she returns from maternity leave)
Mrs Gaston-Horne (3G)
Mrs Emma Smith and Mrs Emily Battle (3SB)
Miss Aimee Couch-Tranter (4CT)
Ms Maja Majewska (4M)
Mrs Trishna Patel (5P)  
Miss Gabi Sachs (5S)
Ms Molly Gould (6G)
Mrs Rebecca Tipton (6T)

Full staff list below