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St Peter's Primary School


Welcome from the Co Heads

Welcome to St Peter’s Primary School. We are a diverse and inclusive school in the south of the London borough of Croydon. We are a happy and caring school where every child is encouraged to work to achieve their best. Our hard-working and dedicated staff never stop looking for ways to enhance the experiences we offer our children.

With around 420 pupils, we still have a close-knit family feel that nurtures all pupils and families and allows for a sense of belonging.

We are a values-based school and our six core values underpin everything that we do:

  • Care
  • Respect
  • Empathy
  • Aspiration
  • Tolerance
  • Equality

We strive to reach high standards, and this is further embedded through our successful relationships with parents and the local community. Education is best done in partnership between home and school, and we regard parents as an active partner in their child's education and value their interest and support.

We are part of the Greenshaw Learning Trust, a trust which seeks to build a ‘family’ of like-minded schools that share essential values and a common ethos and vision for education and learning, and collaborate to provide mutual support, share their good practice and learn from each other.

We are passionate about our school and work exceptionally hard to create a unique place of learning for our children. If you would like to find out more, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Caroline Barriball and Samantha Sandle, Co-Headteachers